Monday, July 16, 2012

Fastest Way To Make God Armor (PC & XBOX)

Here is the FASTEST way to get the God armor, if it works for the xbox it should also work for the PC.

First of all you are going to need around 20-30 of the ingredients to make this potion. And also you are going to need to disenchant pieces of armor that have the effects you want to use to enchant your God armor. If you do not have any of the enchantments to use you cannot make God armor. A bare minimum is the enchantment for fortify alchemy, which you MUST have to make this glitch work. As a bare minimum you need a piece of armor to fortify your Alchemy so you can make God armor without using this glitch.

FORTIFY RESTORATION: Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Salt Pile, Small Antlers and Small Pearl.

20-30 Salt Piles, and 20-30 of the other things combined.

and 15-20 of this potion.

FORTIFY ENCHANTING: Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries and Spiggan Sap.

15-20 Snowberries, and 15-20 of the other things combined.

PLEASE BEAR IN MIND that if you are playing the PC version you can get these Alchemy Ingredients EXTREMELY easily simply by putting in the proper console command for them. To open the console, press the tilde button, the one directly above the tab button. then type player.additem, if you can't see it in this post there IS a period between player and additem. so, type player.additem 106E1B 30 hit enter, that should give you 30 Abecean Longfin when you hit enter. now type player.additem 34CDF 30 hit enter, which should add 30 Salt Piles to your inventory. You now have all you need for your potions of fort. resto. Now type player.additem 727DE 20 hit enter, you should now have 20 Blue Butterfly Wings, type player.additem 1B3BD 20 hit enter, you should now have 20 Snowberries, which is the last of what you need for your potions of enchanting.

 Okay, if you are NOT playing on the PC version of this game, one of the best places i know of to get Abecean Longfins and Cyrodilic Spadetails is in the lake, right outside Riften, to the West. Swim under water and just click on them to add them to your inventory. Again, you'll need 20-30 altogether and 20-30 Salt Piles. The ingredients you need for the fortify enchant. potion are harder to come by, just get them from a vendor. If you are not aware of this, please note that to reset a vendor's items and gold all you need to do is save right in front of them, kill them or attack and make them hostile, re-load that save and TALK to them, if you do not talk to them they will not be reset. Just ask them what they're selling and their stuff is reset. By doing this with an Alchemy ingredients vendor it is just a matter of time, 30-60 minutes, to get all the ingredients you need. If you stopped by Riften for fishing first that is, it might take slightly longer if you didn't.
                                                                                                                                                                 Now that you have what you need for Alchemy it's time to get what you need for enchanting. This will be much easier with maxxed enchanting but it is not nesecarry. if you want to temporarily set your enchanting to the max, type in player.setav Enchanting 100. please note what it was so you may change it back when you are done.
now type player.additem 2E4FF 30, which will add 30 Grand soul gems filled with Grand souls, always nice to have some extra. Enchant some gloves, a head, a ring, and a necklace to fortify Alchemy, you'll have to buy them i don't wanna look up the codes lol.

If you are not on the PC version, you will probably need to head over to Dawnstar and spend some time Grinding for soul gems. There is an invisible box right by the mine at the end of the road that leads into Dawnstar, follow the wall to the left, if you're looking into the mine, and look down at the ground between that wall and the rock there. There is no box, but it will pop up for you to press the button to open one, watch for this. When you know where it is, you also need to see if the khajiit trader who is sometimes outside Dawnstar, right before the road in there will be a large patch of cleared dirt if he is not there, because this trader is connected to that invisible box. If he is there, don't worry if he isn't just use select on your controller to wait for him, then you can use the trick to reset a vendor, REMEMBER after you save, kill him or simply attack and make him hostile, and re-load, you MUST ask him what he is selling to reset him and the invisible box. If you do this repeatedly you can have enough soul gems to max out your enchanting skill within about 3 hours maybe. Then maybe 30-60 minutes to make enough iron daggers to enchant with something to level your enchanting skill. Don't worry about leveling your smithing, it's irrelevant. Once you Enchanting is maxxed, you're as ready as you're going to be, or you can ignore the Enchanting an just get some grand soul gems and start this without first getting max enchanting. you do however need enchanting to be about level 30, Alchemy too, and have the first two levels of the first Perk in each. and for Alchemy you also need the second and third Perk up to the right. Now equip all FOUR pieces of gear that fortify your Alchemy skill by 11% and continue.

Step One: Now that you have your Fortify Alchemy enchanted gear, go to Dragonsreach in Whiterun, go into the wizard's place with the Alchemy Lab and Arcane Enchanter, save before you do this and DO NOT save over this save until you are satisfied that you have gotten the right armor. Once your armor reads into the thousands of extra alchemy % please start making individual saves so you can backtrack to a better save if need be.

Step Two: Make ONE potion of fortify restoration with a Salt Pile and an Abecean Longfin. Go into the character menu and drink it, without backing out, remove your armor, back out, and go back into the character menu, put your armor back on, please note that the fortify alchemy % has changed, this is a glitch and this is the primary reason that people are capable of making god armor. Now that you have put your armor back on the new alchemy bonus takes effect, and you can make ONE more potion of fortify restoration and repeat this process until your alchemy gets pretty decently fortified, to your satisfaction, but please don't over-do it. When your fortify alchemy armor that is glitched reads in the negative numbers, stop and go back one save. You do not have to take it this far if you do not want to.

Step Three: When you have repeated the above process till you are satisfied make a potion of fortify enchanting with snowberries and blue butterfly wing, and go to the arcane enchanter, make an item that fortifies your alchemy, because when the fortify restoration potion wears off its effects/glitch will disappear, and thus you need to replace your glitched out armor with an actual working item that fortifies your alchemy really high so you can continue making fortify enchanting potions whenever you want. Now drink the fortify enchanting potion and enchant ONE item to fortify your alchemy, go back to the alchemy lab and make a fortify enchanting potion wearing only this one item you just made. If the enchanting potion is at 1% or 0% you went to far with your restoration potions, move back one save. And i really hope you started saving after your armor started going into the thousands of fortify alchemy %. So move back a save and make a fortify enchanting potion and repeat the above process, again if you make an item that fortifies your alchemy and while wearing it make a potion that fortifies enchanting that says 1% or 0% you are TOO powerful, move back another save (you should not have to move back more than two saves).

Step Four: Now that you have made ONE piece of armor to replace all of your glitched armor you are ready to start making fortify enchanting potions whenever you want, so you can make your super armor by drinking one and enchanting something with whatever you want to enchant it with, a Super Enchantment, and thus you have created "God Armor".

Also do note this as a side beneift: If you make a piece of god armor that buffs your smithing AMAZINGLY high then the minute you improve a piece of armor with this God armor euipped your smithing will instantly be maxxed out. And with your Alchemy buffed so high, selling one of the potions, or if you sell the insanely improved smithing item, your Speech will also be instantly maxxed out. That is as much as I know so far.

Enjoy it!!! Being a God is fun!!! And please remember, you do not HAVE TO wear the armor, you can take it off whenever you wish, and could in fact sell it and not make any more, if you wanted to remove the temptation. Also be aware that in the PC version you could just as easily use console commands to do the same thing the god armor does lol :) Have fun ^^

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